I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
3 John 1:4

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Canoe's Maiden Voyage to Payson Lakes

We had a great day on the lake. 
Kyle was only dry for a few minutes.
Brian and Kyle with Brooklyn.
Kelsi and Brian

 Brooklyn loved the water.

 Had to prove himself. . and luckily he stayed dry!
Adam, Brooklyn and Rochelle

 Bryan and Rochelle
Grandpa and Grandma with Brooklyn.

Alleah didn't get to ride. . . maybe next time.

Alleah Comes to Vist Grandma

These pictures are a little blurry, but still cute.  
Daddy had to tickle Alleah to make her laugh.  

Megan Turns 21!

 It takes lots of air to blow out 21 candles.  
Adam made red velvet cupcakes for Megan's birthday.

I still can't believe my baby girls are both married.
It's always nice to have them come home to visit. . .

 and bring their husbands with them.